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Access Control Systems in King of Prussia, PA

Feeling truly secure in your home or business means having control over who can enter and when, whether that means the property, the buildings, or even individual rooms. You can do that by installing access control equipment at your King of Prussia residence or commercial location!

Technology like card readers, keypad locks, and biometric scanners can help you ensure that only people with the correct authorization can gain entry to your property. At Jefferson Security Cameras, we have access to all the latest access control equipment and will be happy to install it at any location you need to make it more secure. Adding security cameras to your system can provide additional verification, so get in touch with us if you need security camera systems in King of Prussia, PA, or anywhere else in the area.

Access Control Systems for Buildings & Businesses

At Jefferson Security Cameras, we can offer you a range of options to control access to your buildings in King of Prussia, internally and externally. One of our most popular options is the simple card reader system. This equipment works perfectly for office buildings, apartments, warehouses, and other applications. The best thing about a card reader is that it’s an affordable way to control access to buildings and specific rooms that are so simple anyone can use it. All you have to do is swipe, and you’re in! 

Of course, some customers prefer a system that eliminates the need to carry a keycard and prevents issues when keycards get lost or stolen. If that is the case, consider a keypad door lock that uses a password or number code as a credential for verification. With a keypad, you can assign a different password or code to each authorized person, allowing you to know exactly who used the entrance and when. Keypads are also great for offices and apartment buildings because codes and passwords can easily be disabled to place an entry restriction if someone gets fired or evicted.

If you own a business that requires you to be certain only people with authorization can enter, a biometric scanner is the ultimate authentication. While keycards can be lost, stolen, or swapped, and passwords and codes can easily be traded, nobody can lose or trade their biometric data. Some systems provide authentication with a fingerprint, while others use a retinal scan as a credential. No matter what type of equipment you choose, biometrics is the ultimate identity verification technology for businesses in King of Prussia that must guard sensitive information and valuable items closely.

automated home lock
automated home lock
automated home lock
CCTV camera for comercial businesses

Security Cameras with Video Surveillance Systems Professionally Installed

Access control systems in king of prussia

Access Control System Installation

The installation process for entry restriction technology depends heavily on the type of equipment you choose and the building in which it is installed. If you have an existing piece of equipment wired in, installation could be as simple as swapping it out for a keycard swipe reader or some other authentication tech. The installation could be more complex if you have never had an electronic lock before. Still, our team will always do everything possible to ensure your installation is performed correctly and efficiently to save you money.

For example, your existing door or gate may need to be upgraded or modified to accept your new equipment. We may need to run wiring to your authentication unit. If you have opted to use cameras in conjunction with your new systems, those will also need to be wired and installed. The possibilities regarding the technology to make your buildings in King of Prussia more secure are nearly endless!

Access Control System Repair

Whether our team installed your current system or it was installed previously, we will be happy to assist you with maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. Call us with all your questions and concerns, and we will schedule an on-site consultation to discuss your issues.

Contact Jefferson today if you need a security camera in Montgomery County, PA, communities like King of Prussia. We are a trusted installer of access control systems, including electronic door lock systems, security cameras, and various other security solutions.

Magnetic locks in king of prussia pa

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